Tuesday, April 16, 2013



The magical day brought out some of the best,

How could it be that some would be laid to rest?

Many converged at the Boston Marathon for the big race,

By the end of the day, we were seeking God’s good grace.

Men, women and children were there simply to run.

They were there simply to laugh and to have fun.

Many were looking to record personal best times.

Instead, many were left running for their lives.

Fans had shown up to politely applause,

Suddenly there was chaos and a reason to pause.

Cowards set off bombs near the end.

Leaving people with horrific injuries to mend.

Lives were lost; some lost a limb.

Suddenly everything looked scary and grim.

Blood was splattered, people were hurt.

Bodies were strewn, many not alert.

Krystle Campbell, a pretty, sweet lady, died in the blast.

Somebody like her should last and last.

Martin Richard, just 8 years old, lost his life as well.

Just 8 years old! It makes you cry. It makes you yell.

Many were left dazed, not knowing what to do.

But there were brave bystanders and volunteers at the rescue.

Dozens of injured could only scream or yelp.

Complete strangers came by to support and to help.

A day later were are still asking the how’s and the why’s.

As tears continue to stream from our eyes.

But life goes on. It refuses to stand still.

Good shall shine over evil. And it always will.

The race will go on. We will hold our heads high.

We continue to pursue our dreams. This you cannot deny.

We need to stay strong. We need to stay together.

Not just for today or tomorrow, but together forever.

We will continue to shine. And give each other a hand.

For this is America. United we stand.

The Boston Marathon is no longer just a race,

But it is a reason to share, laugh, remember and embrace.

The pain and the questions will linger for awhile,

But I believe there will always be a reason to smile.

Because of my faith, I look to the heaven’s above,

I thank you, Jesus, for your steadfast love.

Kevin Travis
April 16, 2013

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