Thursday, July 19, 2012


If that doesn't make you dive into this new blog of mine, I frankly don't know what will. I wanted something catchy, but not too over-the-top. I was going to go with "hello," but I sometimes prefer brevity. Many of my writer/reader friends would strongly disagree. Anyway, it was a simple, but heartfelt "hi" to all of you.

This blog is intended to inform and amuse. The "amuse" part will most likely be directed at just me. I'm funny like that.

The "inform" part will let you know the progress of my book, the first one I have written. It is, for the moment, titled, "Home Run From Heaven." I'm going through the editing/proofreading phase now, which will be followed by, hopefully, the publishing phase. And then the next phase is me sitting on a beach, sipping on umbrella drinks, listening to the waves crash, my toes digging into the white sand and the sun shining on my rugged, yet handsome face.

I will be writing mainly about my book; my crazy dog, Thor, a hyperactive-still-puppy-despite-being-2 1/2-years-old; his mellow and lovable sidekick, Tasha; what it takes to be a good husband (I'm an expert because I've been married for nearly 7 full weeks); and wine. I don't know much about wine, other than that I like to drink it.

Oh, and if you happen to be puppy/dog lovers, I will be attempting to post photos of Thor as well. I have one or two (or thousands).

Here are the nuts and bolts of my book:
Dylan Bell, a freshman in high school, grew up idolizing his father, who played ten years of Major League Baseball. When his father passed away because of cancer, Dylan was heartbroken. But thanks to a new, always-getting-into-trouble puppy, a loving family, a supportive girlfriend, and his strong faith, Dylan grows as a baseball player and as a young man. With a little bit of help, and a lot of faith, Dylan just may be able to lead the Hudson Redmen to a place they have never been before in school history.

I may discuss sports (such as my love for the Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Browns), including updates on some of my friends in the sporting world.

Thanks for reading. (Dang, there goes that brevity thing I was shooting for earlier.)


  1. Looking forward to following your blog..especially the marriage advice you will be sharing. cant wait.

  2. Congratulations! I recently started a blog myself, Kevin! Can't wait to see what you have to say. :)

  3. Never give up, never say die (unless the wife tells you and then you need to negotiate)
