What’s going on with the crown jewels these days? First, Prince Harry got caught, sans pants, during a VIP party in Las Vegas. And now, Kate Middleton was caught, sans top, while on vacation with her hubby, who is some important chap in England.
Nude photos leaked of Prince Harry’s shenanigans while in Vegas. I guess the motto, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” didn’t hold true.

The head honchos at the palace said topless photos have invaded the Duke and Duchess’ privacy “in such a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner.”
The royal couple want a criminal investigation into the slime ball who took the photos. While a French court did rule in favor of the royal couple on Tuesday in their fight over the photos, other photos have already been published in Ireland, Italy and the Internet.
I feel badly for Kate. And for William. But I’m a selfish kind of fellah when it comes to my beautiful wife. I don’t want anybody to see her but me. And, luckily for me, her mom raised her right. She wears pants (and shirts) while out in public.
Have you seen the video where a gorilla is carrying around a young girl? There’s video of it all over the Internet now.
Damian Aspinall, a conservationist, let his 18-month-old girl play with a 300-pound gorilla. He even filmed it! It happened 22 years ago and it is just now coming into the light because Mr. Aspinall was afraid of public backlash.
He released it recently to show that gorillas can be good babysitters if you can’t get anybody else to watch your kid. And you just have to pay them in bananas, not real dollar bills!
No. Wait. That’s not quite right. He did it to show that gorillas can be gentle creatures.
Kids are cute, aren’t they? Well, usually. But this photo had me laughing.The baby was posing for a passport photo. The cute little guy didn’t have anything extra added to his bottle, making him look a bit crunked. It’s just that he was plain tuckered out.
Read more on the funny little fellah here:
This shoutout goes to all of the former student-athletes I've had the priviledge of covering during my sports writing career. You have given me so many great memories, I can't thank you enough.
I was there when Dave Falknor set the all-time scoring record in Bellevue Redmen basketball history. Dave was a pure shooter. He could drive to the basket when he wanted, but he was absolutely deadly from the outside. Dave went on to have a nice career with the Akron Zips. He was one of the nicest guys I ever covered.
Emily Best is as sweet as they come. She was a tremendous softball and volleyball player for the Williamston Tigers. What made her stand out to me was her demeanor, on and off the playing field. I loved watching her play.
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