Friday, August 24, 2012


Ya know, Nicholas Sparks isn't the only romantic guy from New Bern, N.C. I proposed to my beautiful wife while I was living in New Bern, home of Mr. Sparks. He's the guy that's written, "Dear John," "The Notebook," "A Walk To Remember," "Message in a Bottle," "The Best of Me," and several others.

By the way, I've met Nicholas and did a story on him for the newspaper. He's a really nice guy.

Oh, spoiler alert...since I wrote, "wife," that means she accepted the proposal.

I met Allison while I was working as the sports editor of the Sun Journal in New Bern. The newspaper gave me the opportunity to propose to Allison. Let me say was about 4 p.m. when she read the proposal. I was nervous. For one, if she said, "no," I would be devastated. And for another, if she said, "no," I would have to write another column REALLY quickly.

She did say, "yes." Of couse, I thought she said, "I don't know," at first. That got the heart racing. But she said, "yes." YES!!!

We've been married since June 2. I couldn't be happier.

Here is a link to my proposal (

And here it is if you don't want to click the link:


Sitting at a table in a quaint coffee shop in downtown New Bern, I nervously stared out the window.

Watching pedestrians scurry by the window, bundled up in protection of that frigid December air, I awaited your arrival.

You walked in, the howling wind growing quiet as the door slowly closed.

When you placed your hand in mine, your cold fingers clasping with mine, it warmed my heart. And put me at ease.

It was our first date. I thought perhaps, before your arrival, it would be a nice chat. A nice distraction from basketball season.

Little did I know that you’d still be with me through baseball season and into football season.

I feel blessed that you came into my life. That I get to look into those magical brown eyes and stare at that amazing smile.

That I get to hear that laugh. Oh, that boisterous laugh.

You are a wonderful mom. A terrific cook.

My best friend. The love of my life.

No matter what we do, whether it’s dinner out, watching a movie, relaxing on the island or simply enjoying the quiet summer evenings on the back porch, I cherish each moment. Because I’m with you.

Sure, we have our differences. You like the Chiefs and I like the Browns. You like the Royals and I like the Indians.

You aren’t fond of some of the most awesome shows on television — Swamp People, Pawn Stars, American Pickers — but you watch them with me. Of course, you make fun of the people and me in the process, but it’s all good. It’s all good.

I like it that you like sports, and I love that competitive edge to you. You’re willing to go toe-to-toe with me in some of the most exciting athletic events in the world, like bowling, miniature golf and Skee Ball.

And I appreciate you for not gloating after beating me in some of these endeavors. Of course, I was injured during some of them…my “horrific” bowling injury — an all-too-frequent mishap that has plagued many an athlete. Ahem!

(Of course, I’m not sure if you didn’t gloat because you’re a good sport or because of the note I had the kind gals at the counter write to you…after instructing them how to spell “gloat.”)

You even love my high-energy puppy, Thor, which is fantastic. Ok, I should say, you tolerate Thor.

He will be a puppy for just another 14 or so months.

You even got the approval of the Horn-n-Supper group, notorious for being tough on outsiders. (Ok, we both know they are loving and giving people.)

I’m so thankful you came into my life, and I’d like to make that permanent.

GULP...(Pause for dramatic effect)...
On that cold December day, you gave me your hand.

Will you give me your hand, warm my heart again, so I may place a ring on your finger?

Allison Rhett. Sweet, funny, beautiful Allison. Will you make me the luckiest guy in the world? Will you be my teammate for life?

Will you marry me?


To Allison, who makes me happier every single day.


"I Got You, Babe," by Sonny and Cher.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you did not even incur a restraining order. You are sooo smooth.
